Dota imba

Dota imba 3.77b AI Map | Dota Imba map download

dota imba 3.77b

DotA IMBA 3.77b AI is a new introduced map which is imbalanced. The word imbalanced is used as Imba by most of the players online so the map decided to keep its name as imba. The map is definitely imbalanced as the elunes arrow range is throughout the map and meat hook range is 2500.


*Imba hero spells/abilities
*Obtain a free random item(From ancient of wonder shop)
*More powerful items
*Improved visual effects
*New hero : Ice Phoenix

Size : 3.77MB


dota imba 3.77b

dota imba 3.77b

dota imba 3.77b

The cool feature about this map is, You can play it offline against computer (AI bots) and have fun, This map has some extra items too for more fun which is pretty amusing. DotA IMBA was originally created by Chinese map developer(s) Mimya, later Harreke provided English translation of this map. Make sure you play this map with your friends, You won't regret!
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